One of the underappreciated side effects of antibiotic use is its ability to promote antibiotic resistance. It's no surprise that antibiotics would selectively enrich resistant strains of bacteria, favoring their reproduction over that of susceptible strains. More unexpected are the findings that antibiotics induce a shotgun blast of resistance genes into their local environment, where they may find new homes.
Bacterial genomes play host to bacterial viruses (bacteriophage) that quietly reproduce along with the host, and sometimes encode genes that are of some benefit to their hosts - including genes for antibiotic resistance. However, when these viruses sense that the host is in trouble, they will excise themselves, replicate (usually to the point of killing the host) and leave to find a new home.
Evidence is mounting that this phenomenon - which has been known for 70 years - can cause the spread of resistance both within and between different types of bacteria, including MRSA, Enterococcus and the gut microbiome in general. The upshot is that using an antibiotic increases the likelihood that previously susceptible strains will be made resistant, chipping away at the usefulness of that antibiotic.
The odd thing about this behavior is that it spreads the resistance gene at the expense of the individual bacterial host - despite harboring the resistance gene, the host is killed anyway by its bacteriophage parasite. This most likely occurs because the bacteriophage jump ship whenever they sense that the host is in distress, whether the source of the stress is starvation, excessive heat, toxic chemicals or antibiotics.
This behavior may be an example of selfish genes in action. If antibiotics are in the environment, the selective advantage of a resistance gene is at a maximum - it is a sellers market for them. In killing their original host, they have made tens or hundreds of copies of themselves. If more than a few percent of the infectious particles find new homes, then their strategy has been a success, and will continue to be successful as their newly-resistant hosts outcompete susceptible rivals.
However, this rationale is true regardless of whether the host is stressed or not - if by killing the host the phage progeny can find 5 new hosts to infect, then obviously it is to their advantage to do so. Lytic phage follow precisely this strategy, killing every host they infect in order to reproduce as quickly as possible. Not surprisingly, bacteria have evolved a number of mechanisms, such as CRISPR and modification-restriction systems to thwart bacteriophage infection.
Thus the selfish gene view of antibiotic-induced resistance gene mobilization needs a corollary: that antibiotic-induced stress renders bacteria more susceptible to phage infection, possibly by suppressing bacterial defense mechanisms.
A study from James Collins lab provides indirect evidence that this is the case. Modi et al exposed mice to ampicillin and ciprofloxacin, and followed the spread of phage-encoded resistance genes. Resistance genes not only were more abundant after antibiotic exposure, but they were linked to a more-diverse set of bacterial genomes. In other words, it appears that bacteriophage were able to infect a wider variety of bacterial strains and species after antibiotic treatment than they were before. These findings support the idea, that from the resistance genes' selfish point of view, it's a good idea to look for new hosts when antibiotics are around.
The upshot is that antibiotic use not only encourages the spread of resistance by differential survival of resistant bacteria, but by dissemination of resistance genes into the environment. These genes can be picked up by different species that may not previously have served as hosts. This mechanism suggests a new danger of imprudent use of antibiotics: it allows resistance genes found in nonpathogenic strains to find their way into pathogens.